Friday, August 10, 2012


I am trying.....trying really hard to be patient because.....
Bryce is on trial!! I was off grooming last week in Kentucky when I got a message on FB (yes, FB) from a trainer who had tried Bryce when he first went on the market. We chatted for a few days about a possible lease to purchase option and price, etc. then next thing I know she asked to pick him up that weekend (last Saturday)!
We worked out a 10 day trial period with a 4 month lease to a purchase option. I really feel like 10 days is a few too long for a trail but she explained how after they tried B, they had bought a pony in FL and it was a disaster. The little girl actually fell off and tore her shoulder or something so they kindly asked for extra days because they are taking it slow. Guess the pony's drugs wore off....hah! So I should hear something anytime now.......I've been told no news is good news??

Since he has been gone this week, I have been horse shopping and picking out names. HAH! Moving on quick, I know....I am going to hope to get a gelding because I have a very poor selection of mare names. I think geldings have better name options. J says I am being difficult because over the past week I have asked to get a OTTB...a 3 yr old...and a paint. She vetoed all of those. She said I should stick with at least 4 year old, gelded (or mare), if its OTTB then fine but just get good vetting, and "absolutely NO paints". Its funny how against paints she is. We had a pretty funny discussion yesterday about them. Made me laugh pretty hard.

So until I hear anything I will just be sitting here....anxiously....biting my nails....getting my hopes up....and horse shopping :]


  1. Good luck!! Hope all goes well with Bryce. :)

  2. My soul has been crushed!! What could she possibly have against Paints? And to be against every single one of them? She clearly has never met MY Paint! :)

    I hope it all works out with Bryce!!
