Tuesday, June 19, 2012

We got it!

Yesterday, even though the barn is closed on Mondays, J let me go out and ride Bryce since I worked at the show all week. I took the time to work on his left change that we struggle with. I stayed on about 1/4 of the ring so he wouldn't have so much room to do random things or get distracted. The first two times were complete misses and he was already getting worked up so I trotted a full lap or two then tried again and he got half...trotted around again...tried again and BAM! Perfect change! It was so smooth I didn't even realize he did it. So I followed the same routine for three more times and even though they were very dramatic, he did the change! SO exciting!

As I was loading up Bryce to head back to Conyers this morning, J called *perfect timing* and she needed me to bring up the other Large at the barn because someone wants to try him. Bry and Freedom are best friends so they were happy to be going together. This was also only my second time driving a trailer alone....nerve racking but I think I enjoy trailering :] The other pony pawed the whole time and it shook my poor car but other wise, the trip was easy. I am so lucky my old car can still haul. I am SO  lucky that I have a trailer to borrow anytime I want, too. I hope to buy one like this sometime. It is the perfect size. I don't need anything more. I would like a tack room but it works. I can't complain!

As soon as I got to Conyers, I got on Bryce to school him. I figured I would just hack but J told me to jump around. All we did was ONE course. That's it. He was perfect! He did his change too. It was extremely, extremely, extremely dramatic but he did it and that's all that matters because I know as he gets the hang of it, he will do it just like he should- like his other change.

He is coming along. He is becoming a little show pony. He is just perfect <3

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