Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Say Cheeseeee!"

My good friend, Ashley (p.s. go check out her blog- The Process of Learning) got a new snazzy camera and decided to test out her skills on B and me at the barn! Yesterday was a very chilly and windy day. B had just gotten body clipped so he was very hyper.

Here are a few of the shots. Enjoy!

Ohh there was definitely something in the air!!

So sweet......

and then I get smacked in the face with his nose.

Of course, all I see is his mouth all open. I put a different bit on his bridle just because the big D would look good in the pictures. Since it wasn't his usual Happy Mouth...he was mad and chewed and opened his mouth the wholeeee time!

He is finally getting some good muscle on him :]

I look at these all the time. I am just so in love with my boy <3