Wednesday, July 13, 2011

one step forward, two steps back..

Well, it has taken me forever to finally getting around to actually writing. My life is hectic. I figure instead of jumping right into current life, I will give the story of the last few months since I bought Bryce. The past months have been a huge ride for me and everyday seems bring on a new (not always wanted) surprise. 

I bought Bryce on the 15th and was so beyond excited. Even though I couldn't ride yet, I went out everyday to see him and watch others take lessons on him. I went to get him from the pasture on the 17th (no, I normally don't remember dates but this can't be forgotten) and as I was brushing him off, what I thought was a splatter of dirt turned out to be this-

I freaked out and drove up to the barn to luckily find the vet already at the barn. We got it all cleaned out and stitched up. The cut ended up being about 3 inches in length and depth, just barley missing any muscle. The end result was beautiful, 15 blue stitches and two months off. 

My friend and I searched and cleaned out everything in his pasture that afternoon to find NOTHING that resembled anything that could have punctured him that bad...

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